Battles: There are two main reasons for Pokemon battles. The first is for sport; two Pokemon trainers challenge each other to a match for competition. The other is for the purpose of catching a wild Pokemon.

Evolution: This is when Pokemon transform from one form to another. Some have three different stages of evolution. Typically, the evolved form of the Pokemon is more powerful than its earlier form. There are three different kinds of evolution. With normal evolution, Pokemon evolve by gaining experience and learning new techniques. On the other hand, some Pokemon can only transform when their trainers have traded them for another Pokemon. Some Pokemon can only evolve with the use of Special Stones, such as Moon Stone or Thunder Stone. With the stone, trainers can evolve their Pokemon whenever they want. Not all Pokemon evolve.

Gyms, Gym Leader: The Pokemon Gym is where potential trainers ply their craft, learning the ways of the Pokemon before setting out on a journey of discovery. The Gym Leader is usually the best Pokemon trainer in town.

Poke-ball: Palm-sized Pokemon transportation units. The trainer may aim or throw a Poke-ball at a Pokemon to attempt to contain it within. Once a Pokemon becomes captured within a Poke-ball it becomes loyal to the trainer who owns it.

Pokedex: Hand-held personalized electronic encyclopedia containing all available knowledge on the known species of Pokemon.

Pokemon: Incredible creatures that share the world with humans. The various species fall within 15 main elements: Normal, Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Rock, Ghost, Bug and Dragon. There are over 150 documented species of Pokemon.

Pokemon Center: Each town has one. It's a place for the traveling trainers to get medical aid for their worn out Pokemon.

Techniques: These are the strategies or attacks Pokemon use to win a fight. Every Pokemon begins with a few techniques, such as Growl or Bubble. A Pokemon can only remember four techniques at a time. As it gains more experience and learns new techniques it may forget the old ones.

Trainer: A human who attempts to capture Pokemon. Children at the age of ten are granted a "license" to become Pokemon trainers.